Thoughts On NOT Moving...

I am excited we aren't moving. I was excited that we were moving. Sounds like I am a confused individual, doesn't it? I'm not- not in the slightest! (disclaimer: I am not confused about this particular subject. Many things confuse and confound me, but we will delve into those at a later date.)
I think I can rationalize how I can say both of the aforementioned sentiments and mean them is by telling you I have learned to be content in my life. I am content to stay here. I am content to move. I am content to be in a position to be content!
Put simply, I am at a place where I won't let myself become too attached to any "thing"- in this case, our house. I LOVE this house (except the flooding back yard, but given time and $$ that can be remedied) and all that goes with it. More than that, I love the people who fill my days that are close to this house. Many have crossed the line from friends to family in our 2 years here. BUT, take the house away, and I will STILL have those people. I won't have my cute garden, or the portrait wall, or my perennial garden, ,but those friends have become a permanent part of my life. I could move to Timbuktu and still have them in my life. So all is good in my eyes.
For now I am relishing the ability to have a messy house if I want to ( last minute showings about sent me over the edge!) and I think I may begin personalizing my "house" again this week. Anyone like to come help paint?