Eating Healthy
The men in suits at the big food companies have done their jobs well! My 10 yr. old has fallen for their claims that Fruit Loops are healthy because they are made with whole grains, and Sunny Delight has lots of good vitamins, so I should buy it instead of juicy Juice. Oy Vey!
We are in the process of changing our eating habits in our household. In a HUGE way. Gradually, we are eliminating processed foods, and trying to buy only whole, raw, organic products. Anyone on a budget can understand how frustrating this can be. And I would be lying if there weren't days I wanted to stand in the middle of Super Walmart and scream, "YOU ARE MAKING PEOPLE FAT!!!!!!!" Because truth be told, the "cheap" foods that are accessible to people on limited incomes are killing them. They are laden with chemicals, processed beyond recognition and the preserved for longer shelf life. I am a transparent person. My family qualifies for assistance, and right now, we are using it. How crazy I must look to the cashier getting my free cheese and eggs and milk, and then filing the rest of my cart with expensive organic foods. Why is this country so unhealthy? Why can't I get free range eggs that are better for me kids for free? Why does it cost $10 a lb to buy chicken and beef that hasn't been bred to be "plumper" or fed soy??? 100 years ago our food sources weren't genetically altered or bred for production, chemicals weren't sprayed all over vegetables to make sure more got to the production plants, and guess what.. less cancer, less obesity, ADD was UNHEARD of as was autism, food allergies and a long list of other problems. OH! and they ATE ANIMAL FAT!!!! and hardly any of them had heart disease. Thank goodness in our modern age of science and technology, things ARE SO MUCH BETTER!!! Oy vey!
I think I need to go have a big glass of milk that came from a cow roaming around somewhere in a field in Asher, OK and take a nap! :)
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