stepping out...

I have believed for a long time that any skills I have in photography are gifts from my Lord. It is that knowledge that prompted me to do my work with organizations like NILMDTS and the ACPCG, and fired me up to do the sessions with a local pediatric hospice. I cannot describe the blessings I have received and the grace and strength I have witnessed in the families I have met through those experiences. It really puts life and its struggles in perspective. But, I want to do more. I NEED to do more. Ever since I can remember, I get a feel a strong tug at my heart when I read or hear about missions. Over seas, but particularly Africa. I used to reason it off to the fact that I grew up in the 80's- the age of Live Aid. But when I shared my "weird" obsession recently with a visiting missionary at our church's missions conference, she explained it perfectly by saying, "Praise God for that!" Isn't it funny that I, a practicing Christian so willing to give God credit for everything else in my life, never once considered that He had placed this desire on my heart! Since that "Ah ha!" moment, I have been praying and looking actively for a way to use my photography in the mission field. At first I told my husband wanted to move the family to Africa for a year so I could teach at a school for missionary children. Those of you who know my husband will be shocked to hear that he didn't laugh. I was shocked he didn't laugh, actually. I was shocked he didn't do more than laugh! He doesn't share the desire to do missions. But here is the amazing part- he told me that if I felt I was called to do something, even if he wasn't interested in it, he couldn't say no. He couldn't deny me from going where the Spirit leads me. After alot of discussion, we both agreed a year in Africa, though an amazing experience, was not the right "fit" at this stage in our lives. So now I am actively looking for short term missions that need a photographer with a Journalism degree to-boot in spreading the word about spreading the Word. It's the Great Commission, 21st Century style!