Holiday Eats... the good, the bad, and the UGLY
I am really a mess this year. I LOVE cookies, fudge, and pretty much any other dessert that is commonly found in November and December. I grew up watching my dad make all of it. And eating it. And eating it. And eating it... ad nauseum. But something has happened to my body this last year. I can't eat all the foods, in the quantities of years past, without paying the price in my derriere.
As in NONE of my pants or skirts from last year will slide over my newly curvaceous figure.
By curvaceous, please be advised I DO NOT mean 50's-pinup-silhouette, nor should images of Botticelli, Da Vinci, or any other Renaissance paintings be evoked in your mind.
No, the curves of which I speak are more like the underside of the smoked ham after sitting in its plastic net-bag that are all on sale at Target right now. Not a thing of beauty to be admired for generations on end.
So, you ask, what do I do to combat this evil?
Reason says I should be making changes to accommodate my body's new lack of get-up-and-burn. And I have! I take a plethora of supplements that do make a big difference in the way I feel, and I am taking steps (itsy bitsy, teeeeeny, tiny baby steps though they may be) to switch my whole family to a raw, whole food diet, free from processed sugars and technologically derived or created "stuff."
I have experienced how the less of the bad stuff we eat, the less we miss it. Our bodies REALLY do work better when we feed them better foods. And better foods aren't necessarily what the popular and so-called "experts" tell you. They can be the total opposite, actually. Technology does not make all things better. Modern medicine does not know and cure all. Traditional, whole foods the way they were made BEFORE mass-production started are really all they are purported to be! I have realized I am not 20 and will actually have to DO something to tone up this jiggly mess.
Realization is the first step in the 12-step process, and, alas, I have not yet gotten to the step where I actually DO something...
I think that is step 12? "Hello my name is Carrie..."
All of this awareness makes me feel like I am headed in the right direction.
I have subscribed to the wisdom of "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!"
But, you want to know how I deal best with this dreaded discontent with my behind?
I make cookies and fudge and pretty much any other dessert that is commonly found in November and December.
That is too, too funny!
And look at your blog! :-)
You are right on with the eating thing. I'm just not eating it all anymore. I make it. I may taste it. I let the kids eat it. I just can't anymore. I feel horrible when I eat sugar.
At some point maybe I'll wean them off it, too. But we are a long ways from that!
Merry Christmas!
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