Spring cleaning
Around these parts, cleaning is somewhat of a fad. A fleeting "mood" that I stumble into at random times, or as is more often the case, I frantically try to accomplish before company comes over. I will try to tell you that I subscribe to the creed, " I live in a home-not a museum!" but, if I were to be honest, I should say it boils down to laziness, exhaustion and plain just-not-caring most of the time. The paradox is- I hate clutter! Abhor it! It makes me feel itchy and twitchy and my skin all creepy crawly. I feel my heart beat faster and I get nervous. This reaction seems odd, I know.
My friends out there with children will no doubt say, " wait a few 18 yrs and it will be clean again." But the kids' messes aren't the issue. It's my messes that truly irritate me. And I have finally figured out why!
I can't stand the idea that people would be able to see a physical, spacial, worldly representation of what the inside of my brain looks like.
It is a disaster. I am a walking, talking, drama-inducing hazmat situation.
SOOO.. this year, in addition to trying to declutter and organize my home (quit snickering, Joe), I am also going to listen to Madge and "Free my mind..!" Mostly, I am going to finally do alot of the things on my To Do list that I have procrastinated on. They eat at me. All day. Today, as I made no fewer than 700 copies of old credit card receipts, my mind was scrolling through all of the things I need to do. For me. For friends. For family. Photography. Bills. Sewing.... oh, the sewing...(ok. I won't lie. I can't WAIT to do the sewing!) Various assortments of tasks that I have pushed aside till later. It is later. They are getting done. I am tired of being tired from fretting about NOT having done them yet.
An obvious side effect of allowing my brain more breathing room, and clearing away its cobwebs will be the ability to compose many more blog entries. Entries that will hopefully be more than just an insight into my insanity I call life, but rather- might actually inspire you! I know- laugh. I just did. But, who knows? Stranger things have happened. I taught 3rd grade remember? THAT is pretty strange- yet, it happened! Leslie Nielson pretended to pass gas on me in the OKC airport. That is BEYOND strange, and yes, I am sad to say, it also happened.
So, enjoy the benefits. Check back often. Bring a glass of wine if you like. You may read about the exciting life of an Administrative Professional, or see pictures of my kids that will make you chuckle. You may even get to follow a journey to Africa for adoption.(praying VERY hard on that one!) You'll get more of me! :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 | Labels: family, house, neurosis, work | 1 Comments