Future Maybelline Model
This little doll has it made with her already enviable lashes and dark curly locks...
and her mom is one strong lady who in the last few months has fought a battle far worse than lack of sleep... and she is winning! ;)
I told them I want to come back in 12mths to celebrate Miss. D's first birthday and mom's 1 year anniversary of being cancer free!
Have a blessed day!
Sunday, September 23, 2007 | | 1 Comments
Isn't it amazing how quickly your life can change! Life around the Chlebanowski ranch doesn't bear much resemblance to what it did a mere 31 days ago- but ya know what? ... That's just fine, because God is in charge and He is good!
I am horribly behind in editing, due mainly to a few recent observations/realizations:
1. my immune system is not as iron-clad strong as I have been naively been asserting for all these years. Turns out being raised with parents working in a hospital did prepare my body to fight off many illnesses, but did not have any beneficial protection from the germs of 75 school age children sharing my air for the last month.
2. apparently, hand- foot- mouth disease CAN be contracted by adults ( see above observation) and a doctor's description of "not nearly as severe as a child's symptom" and my own are two completely different realities.
3. editing pictures with photoshop (which requires typing) is not fun( read:doesn't get done) with a blistering rash on your fingers.
4. teaching 3rd grade is not fun with an intestinal virus. the kids like it because you aren't in the classroom as much, but it isn't really all that conducive to their learning.
5. you don't feel much like editing when your two youngest babes have temps of 103 and want mommy to snuggle...:(
so if I am behind getting you proofs, or prints or calling or emailing- PLEASE know that I am not avoiding you or the work, I am just plowing through a household-wide battle of the immune systems and doing uncharacteristicly poorly. (I am sure God is trying to teach me something about boasting through all of this...wishing there was a more pleasant trial!) If I have to stay up all weekend- I will caught up!
I have managed to edit a few sessions, and will be locked up in the hole.. I mean office... as much as the children's tylenol will allow!
here is one of my favorites from the newest little sweet pea in Lawton ( who hopefully will be a fellow Edmondite soon!) :)
Looks like the sibling rivalry isn't too big of a problem...
until next time,
Saturday, September 22, 2007 | | 1 Comments