Those of you who know her well know how unbelieveable this shot is. She is the epitome of everything that is a photographer's child. Joe doesn't know it, but this one will be BIG in my house soon...
she said she was Cinderella ...
sometimes, for jsut a second, she is a mama's girl! :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 | | 1 Comments
Up close and WAY TOO Personal!
My car windows will never be the same. It was Spring Break here last week, and me and the hubby and some great friends took the kiddos down to the Arbuckles for a drive thru safari and hiking about. I can now say that I have had contact with all kinds of wild animals- and more of their oral mucus than I ever felt the need to. But man, how cool is it to feed a giraffe and pet a zebra (shhh.. don't tell! we weren't supposed to do that- apparently they bite...) Our resident 4 yr old animal expert and zookeeper-to-be refused to get anywhere near his future charges, so I am thinking there might be a career change ahead :)
As for me, I am just glad I didn't fall out of the car as I climbed out the windows to capture my safari images... I think Joe tried to get me to fall out a few times when he took a turn a little fast...gonna have to watch him!
here's some of the "wild beasts" we encountered...
Sunday, March 25, 2007 | | 0 Comments
I am still here!!
I should be scolded harshly... It has been a month and a day since my last post. I could make excuses, but the fact is, I have nothing to blame it on other than old fashioned mommy brain... I wish I had some really humorous or exciting reason. I did finally upgrade my computer which should dramatically decrease the time I spend editing, and therefore speed up the delivery of your prints! Woohoo for a bigger screen,too! Check back soon for exciting news about changes in the ordering sessions. (hint, hint: it involves a trip just north of Edmond!:) )
so, in order to redeem myself for not being timely in posts, and because I was gently chided by a good friend today about it (thanks K.!) here are some of my most recent babes...in no particular order of favorites, but I will point out that the little man with ginormous eyes inherited them from my mom~her lasting legacy to her grandchildren.
See you soon!- no, really, I PROMISE!!!
Monday, March 05, 2007 | | 0 Comments