"I Like Big...Bows!"
hehe.. sorry, it was the first thing that came to mind. This is a favorite from a session I am finishing up editing. Life has been so crazy,we finally sold our house so no more frantic cleaning and open houses! I haven't had alot of time to work now that I am also a full-time taxi driver for my boys, and it is getting back to looking at pictures like these that helps me relax and enjoy my life as a photographer...
See you soon Miss A.!!:)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 | | 0 Comments
the eyes have it...
This is a collage I put together for my aunt of her grandbabies. It is really special to see because Alex, her grandson she raises, has Asbergers syndrome and has a hard time with eye contact. This session was done at the end of June, but I have strong memeories of how much fun it was (and the chigger bites I got during it that are just now starting to go away!!)
I love the way this came together, and I think the quote just fit perfectly...
In case you see this, hi Big Al!!
Have a blessed day!
Thursday, August 24, 2006 | | 0 Comments
Back to the Books!
Logan went back to school today- my big bad 3rd grader! Of course, as a photographer's child, he couldn't just stand there and let me take a pic, but had to pose- that's my boy!!!
and one with little brother, who starts pre-k on Wednesday(WAAAAH!)
Have a blessed day!
Monday, August 21, 2006 | | 0 Comments
Why I am A Photographer
Today I had one of those affirmation moments. The kind that brings tears to your eyes, and makes you smile and your heart skip a beat because you know you are doing what God put you on this Earth to do. I met with two beautiful women at Good Shephard Hospice about working with their pediatric program by providing pictures to the families of terminally ill children. Those of you who know me know that this has been on my heart for awhile, so to see it come to fruition is so awesome to me I can't find words to accurately describe how I feel. I just really feel like I am supposed to do this, and God has opened a door... How cool is that?!
On a similar note, I am in the middle of proofing a very special session. Okay, all of my sessions are special, but this one was EXTRA special. This handsome little man just finished up his treatments for Leukemia, and if the sparkle in his eyes says anything, it says that he is on the right track! We trecked all over one of my favorite places, the Myriad Gardens, and he and his brother had a blast splashing (and swimming) in the fountains. His mom teared up as she shared some pictures of him from during his chemotherapy, so I thought I would let her see how far he has come...
this is for you Danielle...;)
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 | | 0 Comments
It Never Fails...
Schedule a toddler shoot, and they will not smile, don't want to look at you...nada.
BUT, schedule a newborn shoot for their new baby sister.... it's a whole 'nother story!
Have a great day big sis Laura! ;)
Thursday, August 10, 2006 | | 0 Comments