A Tribute...

Wow... I am speechless. I have just been told that one of my new friends from hospice has passed away about 30 minutes ago. She fought so strongly, but her body was tired.

Fly home Amy, and soar with heavenly wings like you were never able to do here on Earth...

The Three Musketeers...

you know, I had a whole long post all typed out when I realized that a single quote said it all:
"families are a lot like fudge; mostly sweet, with a few nuts."

Love you guys!
the cuter, oldest sister.. ;)

Don't Forget The Little Guy!

My cousin, her husband and her 5, yes folks, I said FIVE, kids came down a few weeks ago to do a session. The big kids tried to steal the show, but this pic of little man is one of my favs...I only wish you could have seen the mayhem BEHIND the camera trying to get his focus away from the cool grass... it was a regular circus I tell ya...
Stay warm Mister G. !

Miss Sassafrass!!

Hehe.. she was SO much fun to shoot... all energy and all girl! Watch out Tyra, this girl has style!
..and how does she do that with her tongue???

See you soon, G!


Sometimes, you have to make the shot happen. Sometimes, that means cheating...just a little though. Like in this shot. Do you really think I had my camera in the right place just at the moment that butterfly landed on her fingers? I wish I was that talented....

This butterfly had already gone to butterfly heaven when we found it and created our own sweet shots...look for this picture BIG at the new display I am working on in a fabulous new educational and imaginative toy store called Kidoodles!
Thanks B.!

Who Needs Mascara???

Wowsers... this girl had some amazing lashes! This is another one of my special friends who I have gotten to meet in working with hospice, and her family was just plain awesome. I wanted to share this one, because I think every woman out there wishes she had lashes like these! :)
oh, and little man J....
thanks for being a super helper!!! ;)

God bless!


hehe... can't you just feel their pain? Mom and Dad kissing like a bunch of kids...how gross!!! LOL, I loved this shot, and thought it was a great example of a really cool family I had the privelege to meet. Mom is a yoga instructor and hopefully she will help me tame the flab and get in touch with my fit-self that used to reside where my flabby self now sits and munches tater chips....;)

I want a picture like this with my kids some day....

A Story...

I want to tell you about a day that occurred recently, that changed my life. I have been prayerfully considering whether to tell the story, and how to approach it, and realized I just needed to tell it how it came out. So here goes.
There are two events that occur in the world many times every day, and at some point, every person in this world will experience them both. They are, I believe the most sacred events there are, yet common. Birth and Death. On Wednesday October 26, 2006 at 6:56 a.m., I witnessed both- and I have been forever affected. I was honored enough to be present for the birth of an amazingly beautiful little girl, who because of a medical condition that her parents found out about during the pregnancy, never took a breath in this world. The first vision her eyes saw were those of her creator. Her mom and dad seemed comforted in the knowledge that she never felt the pain and cruel coldness of this world, but went from growing in the warmness of the womb to walking in the brilliant lights of heaven. I spent 3 hours with her; helped bathe her and managed to stay in control enough to take pictures for them to have as remembrances. As I kissed her forehead and left the room though, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been part of something bigger. I felt it as soon as it happened, and as trivial and childish as it sounds, the closest thing I can use to illustrate the feeling is the scene in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", when the grinch's heart turns to good.
I don't know yet exactly how God wants me to use this feeling. I have an idea, and each day in prayer He reveals more, but it is something the selfish sinner in me is afraid of. So for now I will be still and know He is God, and listen to what He wants me to know. He will work out the details that make me nervous, and if what I think He has for me is indeed his will for me, than who am I to tell God it can't happen?

He's Not Impressed...

Hehe...sometimes, no matter how hard I try, I have to realize, I can't make them all happy. This lil guy was obviously bored with his photo session. But then, at 5 days old, what does he know anyway?! ;)
See you soon, Mister C.

Beauty in the Truest Sense...

I know, I know.. I have been MIA for the last month. Moving with a flu-ridden family is not so much fun- I don't recommend trying it for kicks! We are finally all settled, and my office is still unpacked, but I have been feverishly editing sessions to get caught up for the fall!
I wanted to share a few images this time. They are of one of my hospice patients who is an amazingly strong woman. Yes, I said woman- not girl. This session was a special arrangement I did with my friends from Good Shepherd hospice to bring a little sunshine into a life filled with cloudy days. Little does she know how beautifully bright her light is and how much it filled my heart with joy.
A., you are a vision of what beauty and strength can do with a little faith...
Keep shinin'!

Gotta have Faith!

This little one is my first Hospice patient and I have fallen in love with her and her family. She is a feisty little fighter and kept us all hoppin' during the session, but that one big smile she gave me will be in my mind forever. I think sometimes we forget that God even uses the smallest people to change the world, and today she taught me a little something about myself! Thanks, little one.

Now, go out and make a difference in your world! :)
Have a blessed day!

The Quiet One

Life with two little brothers is never boring...or quiet. This beautiful girl was such a sweetie, and was so patient while her brothers had fun making silly faces for the crazy photographer. One day, those ornery little brothers will be her protectors, but for now, well...they are just ornery. Good thing Mom has a great Mac 'n Cheese recipe ;)...that makes everything better!

Take it easy K~ :)

Blessings to all!


I don't know who was more nervous at this session, me or his mom. I think we were both just praying he didn't break his neck, and I was also thanking God my boys don't have an interest in this sport (I know, they are young- there is still time...Taylor is only in 6th grade and flying like this! *groan*)
Despite the nerves, I had a great time with Taylor- although I am sure he thought I was pretty stupid asking him to do the "jump thingy" and "do that pool thing again"... I had no clue how to speak the lingo, but it didn't seem to matter much- he did his thing, I did mine, and the results are pretty cool...

Hang loose Taylor..(hehe, now I am just really dating myself :P )

Have a Blessed Day!

P.S. Dates are booking quickly for fall! Don't miss your chance to get great pictures in the beautiful colors in time for Christmas cards!!!

"I Like Big...Bows!"

hehe.. sorry, it was the first thing that came to mind. This is a favorite from a session I am finishing up editing. Life has been so crazy,we finally sold our house so no more frantic cleaning and open houses! I haven't had alot of time to work now that I am also a full-time taxi driver for my boys, and it is getting back to looking at pictures like these that helps me relax and enjoy my life as a photographer...
See you soon Miss A.!!:)

the eyes have it...

This is a collage I put together for my aunt of her grandbabies. It is really special to see because Alex, her grandson she raises, has Asbergers syndrome and has a hard time with eye contact. This session was done at the end of June, but I have strong memeories of how much fun it was (and the chigger bites I got during it that are just now starting to go away!!)
I love the way this came together, and I think the quote just fit perfectly...
In case you see this, hi Big Al!!

Have a blessed day!

Back to the Books!

Logan went back to school today- my big bad 3rd grader! Of course, as a photographer's child, he couldn't just stand there and let me take a pic, but had to pose- that's my boy!!!

and one with little brother, who starts pre-k on Wednesday(WAAAAH!)

Have a blessed day!

Why I am A Photographer

Today I had one of those affirmation moments. The kind that brings tears to your eyes, and makes you smile and your heart skip a beat because you know you are doing what God put you on this Earth to do. I met with two beautiful women at Good Shephard Hospice about working with their pediatric program by providing pictures to the families of terminally ill children. Those of you who know me know that this has been on my heart for awhile, so to see it come to fruition is so awesome to me I can't find words to accurately describe how I feel. I just really feel like I am supposed to do this, and God has opened a door... How cool is that?!

On a similar note, I am in the middle of proofing a very special session. Okay, all of my sessions are special, but this one was EXTRA special. This handsome little man just finished up his treatments for Leukemia, and if the sparkle in his eyes says anything, it says that he is on the right track! We trecked all over one of my favorite places, the Myriad Gardens, and he and his brother had a blast splashing (and swimming) in the fountains. His mom teared up as she shared some pictures of him from during his chemotherapy, so I thought I would let her see how far he has come...
this is for you Danielle...;)


It Never Fails...

Schedule a toddler shoot, and they will not smile, don't want to look at you...nada.
BUT, schedule a newborn shoot for their new baby sister.... it's a whole 'nother story!
Have a great day big sis Laura! ;)

Sometimes it Just Takes a Little Incentive

What a crazy week! It looks like we may be buying a new house soon, and so in addition to photographer I am now a touch-up painter, and frenzied housecleaner trying to get our house ready to put on the market! I am right in the middle of editing this shoot from last weekend, and thought I would show you how a little incentive can change the whole mood of a shoot.
This is the face I got from the little man for most of the shoot...not very thrilled to be there...

...and THIS is his smile after I told him he could splash his dad and fiance in the fountain...

he was full of smiles from that point on!
Have a great week, and check back soon!

Dog days of Summer...

Since we seem to be in the middle of the dog days of summer, I thought I would post a few pics of our newest four-legged friend. We got him the first week of June, and I think the Miracle-Grow I used in my yard back then must have somehow gotten into his system... Meet Davey
then at about 8 or 9 weeks, and weighing just over 10 lbs:

and now, at almost 4 mths, weighing around 30lbs!

Davey is supposed to be around 80 lbs, but I am betting he gets bigger! He is the ever popular labradoodle, and we love him to pieces. I cannot say enough about how smart, and sweet he is. He was a dream to housebreak (seriously, no accidents since the 3rd day he was here!) and even though he drives our shihtzu and my husband crazy trying to play in the house, I think he is fabulous, and so do the kids! The best part is, he doesn't shed!

Christmas in July? Well...sorda...

I know, I know. I am with you people. I walk into Hobby Lobby and see the Christmas aisles being filled and I cringe- is it really THAT necessary to get it all out now??? As much as I hate the overcommercialization (big word of the day) of such a sacred holiday, in the photography world, now is the time to start thinking about Christmas. In order to preserve my sanity, and provide the best service and highest quality pictures and cards, I am officially announcing Saturday November 18 as the last day for orders that need to be received by Christmas. (Orders may be placed after this date, but with the understanding that they may not be fulfilled until after the first of the year)
I hear the groans- believe me I do. But from past experiences I can tell you that my lab will be getting something in the range of THOUSANDS of orders a day during the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and it just isn't worth you stressing about getting your cards out on time, and me stressing about you stressing about getting your cards out on time... So, I will nip the problem in the bud and make sure that you have your cards in PLENTY of time to get to your family and friends before Christmas! (Now- you do still have to mail them, of course!) :)

Seriously folks, I know how far away November sounds, but think of it this way... there are only 12 Saturdays between now and then that I have FULL availability on. Also consider that as daylight savings winds down, it gets darker earlier, making weeknight sessions more difficult.. and school is getting ready to start too! What I am trying to say is call me now and get a date on the books, so you don't have to stress about it!!

To help you out, I am taking part in an Open house on Sunday July 30, from 2-6. I will have beautiful examples of cards and specials ONLY AVAILABLE at this event! There are other business taking part, and food and drinks too! It will be a great time to check out some local businesses and maybe get some Christmas shopping done at the same time! Call me for details!
Have a great day and stay cool!

my turn in the hot seat

So the tables were turned today as I attempted some self-portraits. Man, I got a workout running back and forth between the camera and the chair. I could post all the silly one that ended up in the trash bin of my computer, but instead, I will grace you with probably the only one that will end up printed...maybe...:)


Welcome to my new blog for CLC Portraits! I thought it would be nice to have a place whereI could post favorites from my sessions, share some funny "behind the scenes" stories, and let you know about any new and exciting happenings in a less formal setting than the website. Let me know if there is something you'd like to ask, or if there is something in particular you would like to see here!

Mr. SMiles...

Meet the least camera shy child I have had the joy of working with in a long time. He was all about making sure I got a good one. His older brother was more of a challenge, but Shhhh! don't tell him I got some great ones of him too!